How to Make More Money Turning Lemons to Lemonade

Ray Binkowski
Dec 22, 2021

How to Make More Money Turning Lemons to Lemonade

Start with how you look at things. You can see every problem as just that a problem. Worse, as a disaster.

Or, you can choose to see things differently.

Choose to see the problem or the opportunity. Seek the opportunity in everything. It is a matter of how you choose to perceive things.

Garth Brooks shared a great story. He said his dad always told him problems are like your hand… on one side the problem. The other side, the opportunity.

Turn lemons to lemonade. Flip the problem and see the opportunity.

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Ray Binkowski

Mechanical Engineer by Education, Entrepreneur, Author, Coach, Trainer, Promoter, Former Gym Owner and Business Development Consultant!